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Saturday 7 May 2016

Hospital Management System

1. Purpose

  • This software is for the automation of Hospital Management System
  • it maintains two levels of users:-
Administrator Level
User Level

2. We Have Total six Modules:-
  • Admin
  • Patient
  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Pharmacist
  • Receptionist

3. Scope:-
It can be used in any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs for maintaining
patient details and their test results.

4. Technology Used

Application / Tool
Application & Framework
.NET Framework 3.5
Other Tools
AJAX Control Toolkit 3.0
Database Server
MS SQL Server 2008
WEB (2/3/n tier), Design Patterns

User Level:-
Every users is assigned a unique ID and Password. The users are authenticated on the
portal with this ID and Password.
Virus Protection:-
Our servers are protected by leading anti-virus technology from McAfee Antivirus solution.
  • Disk Space and Bandwidth by CSI
  • Support and Maintenance by CSI Team
Over View

  • Administrator Level ( Hospital Staffa and Doctors)
  • User Level (Patients)

Main Facilities available in this project are:-
  • Maintaining records of indoor/outdoor patients.
  • Maintaining patients diagnosis details, advised tests to be done.
  • Providing different test facilities to a doctor for diagnosis of patients.
  • Maintaining patient’s injection entry records
  • Maintaining patient’s prescription, medicine and diet advice details.
  • Providing billing details for indoor/outdoor patients.
  • Related test reports, patient details report, prescription and billing reports can be generated as per user requirements.
  • User or Administrator can search a patient’s record by his/her name or their
    registration date.
  • Maintaining backup of data as per user requirements (between
    mentioned dates
Over all Description

Manage All Employee Information Just Like (Doctor,Patient,Nurse,Pharmacist,Receptionist, Laboratorist, Accountant,Notification.Monitor Hospital.)

  • Take Appointment From Doctor
  • Prescription
  • View Bed
  • View Doctors
  • View Bill
  • Provide Approval to the Patient
  • Manage Report
  • Prescription
  • Report
  • View Bet Allotment
  • Blood Bank
  • Profile
  • Manage Bed
  • Allocate Bed To Patient
  • Manage Blood Bank
  • Profile
  • Manage Medicine Category
  • Manage Medicine Stock
  • Purchase Medicine
  • Manage Bills
  • Profile
  • Manage Appointment Of Patient
  • Manage Meetings of Doctors
  • Profile


The project Hospital Management System (HMS) is for computerizing the working in a hospital. The software takes care of all the requirement of an average hospital and is capable to provide easy and effective storage of information related to patients that come up to the hospital. It generates test reports, provide prescription details including various tests, diet advice, and medicines prescribed to patient  and doctor.

Friday 12 February 2016

Mistakes that influence Software Development process

When you consolidate project management pitfalls with software development moves, you have a formula for some enormous (yet regularly preventable) issues.

Project management is never a precise science, however when you join it with the fancies of software development, you have a formula for calamity. I have seen a reasonable number of regular slip-ups that project administrators make when working with software development projects. Some of these errors are not elite to software development, but rather they are particularly predominant and harming in that setting.

The wrong measurements

Supervisors need measurements for assortment of reasons: measuring "achievement" or status, execution audits and investigation, et cetera. The mix-up I see over and over again is that the less demanding it is to gather a metric, the more probable that it's not measuring anything helpful. Obviously, the simplest measurements to gather or comprehend are likewise the destined to be utilized. How about we take "bug tickets" as a case.

It is anything but difficult to tally what number of tickets get entered. Yet, that is not a decent measure of value, since what number of those tickets are client mistake or really "includes"? So administrators frequently look to the following level of metric: ticket determination rate (tickets shut every day or week or emphasis or whatever). On the off chance that you have ever managed a help work area that always closes tickets for things that aren't really settled, bringing about an expansion of tickets, you recognize what it's similar to managing an association driven by this metric!

Rather than really completing work or offering the client (for instance, some assistance with leaving tickets open until the client acknowledges the determination), the association exists exclusively to open however many tickets as could be expected under the circumstances and after that nearby them as fast as could reasonably be expected, so it can get its determination rate up. A superior number would be the hardest to quantify: proportion of genuine "bug tickets" made in relationship to includes sent, changes made, or something comparative. Obviously, that is not a simple number to comprehend or to gather and provide details regarding. The outcome is that associations settle on choices in view of the wrong measurements as opposed to the right ones, because of accommodation.

Estimating times too far out

A typical issue I see with certain project management approachs is that they get a kick out of the chance to play "just so stories" with courses of events and time gauges. Project director who genuinely think they recognize what bits of usefulness any given engineer will be taking a shot at over a month or two out (unless it is a vast, expansive bit of usefulness) are liable to be frustrated and mixed up. Software development is just excessively erratic. Regardless of the fact that you can anticipate or represent all the typical things that modify timetables and needs, there is still little ensure that things will take the time you think they will.

Estimating times too extensively

Another run of the mill issue with time gauges includes not separating undertakings into sufficiently little pieces. In case I'm informed that a bit of work will take one week, I'll ask where precisely that number is originating from. Unless somebody has dissected all the minor bits of work in the entire, a "one-week" time assessment is only immaculate guess and ought to be neglected.

Failing to represent errands

How frequently have you seen a due date blown in light of the fact that it was built up without representing a basic errand like testing? That is another motivation behind why you can't and ought not ever acknowledge an undertaking on a course of events that is not separated into its segment errands. There is a chance that the appraisal discards something critical.

Poor correspondences

It is critical to keep everybody on top of it on project status, however it is anything but difficult to neglect to do it. This is the place a considerable measure of the question in the middle of IT and the business group originates from: The business does not feel like it has a decent handle on what's going on with its projects. What's more, the more it feels left oblivious, the more probable it is to begin attempting to micromanage or power things to happen the way it feels it ought to be finished. You can moderate this issue by letting individuals know where things stand, both all the time and when breakthroughs are refined or the status changes.

Disconnected business needs

There is frequently a wide hole between the needs of projects inside of the development association, the need of the project in the perspective of the general business, and the need of the project according to the requester. A typical issue is that a "high need" project for one division is not saw as critical by the business since it doesn't create incomes, thus the engineers additionally minimize it. Everybody should be in agreement with needs, and an expansive part of that is to guarantee that specialty units are not assessed on the premise of projects that the general business considers lower need...Read More

Thursday 11 February 2016

Why Lead Management System Important for your Organization ?

After your advertising endeavors produce a lead, what transpires? By reports, most promoting leads are never sought after. Actually, it's assessed that 80% of leads created through advertising get lost, disposed of or disregarded. That is a considerable measure of lost income. The best approach to keep leads from dissipating is to utilize a lead management system.

Why is having a lead management system essential? There are two answers:

1) you've burned through cash and assets on promoting exercises to catch a lead, so it's vital not to waste that exertion; and

2) most leads don't change over on the initial introduction, which implies they should be sustained after some time.

Along these lines, most associations can profit by actualizing a lead management system. A percentage of the more imperative advantages include:

Lead Organization

A lead management system gives a composed strategy for arranging and scoring leads as they are caught. They can be sorted out in numerous courses – by geology, media channel, behavioral qualities, engagement period and the sky is the limit from there. Without a lead management system, it can test to organize circulation or keep up a proper presentation plan...Read More  

Wednesday 10 February 2016

How Valuable is a Business website ?

Everybody realizes that each business should be on the web. On the off chance that you are not on the web, then does your business truly exist? Be that as it may, we never truly ask ourselves for what good reason does my business should be online? In the accompanying article, we will go over why your business' website is in all probability the principal purpose of contact for potential customers, key accomplices and future representatives and how this could represent the moment of truth your business.

Purpose of Contact: Your website is in all likelihood the principal purpose of contact.

Having an expert looking website that exhibits your business' image fittingly to potential customers, vital associations, and future workers is essential. How vital? By study directed by comScore and iProspect, it is twice as likely that potential customers will visit your website before going by your physical area.

66% of customers start the shopping process online; one in five beginning at a retail website (the most continuous beginning stage among all retail customers); one in 10 beginning at a physical store. - Iporspect/comScore

How you introduce your organization as a first purpose of contact to your customers could represent the moment of truth your business. In the event that customers go to your site and like what they see, then they are prone to catch up and visit or call your physical area...Read More  

Monday 4 January 2016

5 steps to take if your website has been hacked

By latest article in the New York Times, security specialists say that there are two sorts of organizations in the U.S.: those that have been hacked and those that don't know they've been hacked.

How would you know whether you've been hacked?

There are numerous ways you might figure out that your website has been hacked. The most evident is the point at which the hacker has basically ruined your website. You get up one morning, open your program and low and view, your website is no more there. It has been supplanted by another page and has a major sign saying "Hacked by ______ (fill in the clear)." Or far more atrocious, you get diverted to, well, how about we call it an "upsetting" website. All things considered, in those cases it is clear that you've been hacked.

Nonetheless, hackers customarily will endeavor to cover their tracks with the goal that it isn't clear that a site has been hacked. They'd truly lean toward that you didn't think about it, on the grounds that they need to utilize your site the length of they can to do their messy work.

Here are some huge signs that your website has been hacked:

  • Your website is destroyed.
  • Your website sidetracks to a "disagreeable" webpage, for example, a porn website or pharmaceuticals webpage.
  • Google or Bing advises you that your site has been bargained.
  • Your Firefox or Chrome web program demonstrates that your website might be bargained.
  • You see bizarre movement in your web logs, for example, unexplained huge spikes in activity, particularly from different nations.

How can it happen?

In a review a year ago by StopBadWare and Commtouch, 63% of website proprietors showed that they didn't know how they were hacked. On the off chance that your website has been hacked, it is basic to see how it happened keeping in mind the end goal to anticipate another hack by the same hacker.

There are numerous, numerous ways a website can be hacked. Here are some regular ways hackers can take control of your website:

  • Guessing your password.
  • Utilizing malware on your neighborhood PC to catch your login accreditations.
  • Finding a security defenselessness in particular programming that you happen to be utilizing (particularly obsolete programming).
  • Hacking another person's site that lives on the same shared-server that you are utilizing for your site.

Note: getting hacked in view of another person's site on the same server is a justifiable reason motivation to maintain a strategic distance from shabby facilitating suppliers. They don't generally have the best security rehearses and you frequently have "terrible neighbors" on the same server.

Now, you have been hacked? Presently what? 5 Critical Steps

Getting your website hacked is a major ordeal and it can be genuinely mind boggling to tidy it up. In any case, here are the abnormal state steps that you and/or your bolster group ought to take once you find that you've been hacked.

1. Stay quiet

Most importantly, stay quiet. You can recuperate.

2. Bring in your backing group

On the off chance that you don't have the right specialized ability on staff, your best alternative will be to bring in a backing group. In a perfect world, this will be somebody with both solid specialized mastery and in addition somebody who is acquainted with your site and its setup. This can incorporate your web engineer and/or you're facilitating supplier.

Web originators without a programming and specialized foundation might have a harder time evaluating the issue and settling it. Experienced web designers (e.g. software engineers) ought to have the essential abilities to evaluate and alter the issue.

Numerous facilitating suppliers won't do the genuine work of cleaning your website. In any case, they can give significant help or might have different clients that are encountering the same issue.

3. Pull together the data your bolster group will require

You should get your data together for your group. Your engineer/group will require access to:

CMS Login: your substance administration framework with authoritative/super administrator rights

Facilitating Login: you're facilitating control board to get to your database and web logs

Your web logs: both the entrance logs and mistake logs. Make certain that you're facilitating organization gives the web logs. Most web hosts do, yet a couple facilitating organizations don't turn those on as a matter of course or may not give access to them.

FTP/sFTP access certifications: this ought to incorporate the hostname, username, and secret word

Reinforcements: Any reinforcements you might have

You ought to consider keeping this data together in a protected area that you can get to rapidly in the event that the need ought to ever emerge.

4. Take your website logged off

You ought to briefly close the site down while it is being surveyed and altered. Your facilitating control board might be able to briefly kill your site. On the other hand you might need to secret word secure the primary index where your website lives to square guests from getting to your webpage while the group chips away at settling it.

5. Check your neighborhood PCs for infections and malware

You will need to check your neighborhood computer(s) with your hostile to infection programming to ensure they aren't tainted with malware, spyware, Trojans, and so on. Make sure your hostile to infection programming is exceptional before utilizing it to check your PC.

The Cleaning Process

Your bolster group will ideally be completely connected with at this point attempting to analyze how the site was hacked and afterward work to tidy up and restore your site. Here is an example of what they will be doing:

Changing your passwords for website logins, database, ftp, and so on.

Making a reinforcement of the webpage and downloading it for review

Looking at log records and other information to decide how and when the website was hacked

Looking at the product augmentations utilized on the site and guaranteeing they are breakthrough and don't have any known vulnerabilities

Assessing any custom programming code (if pertinent) for any undeniable security blemishes

Cleaning the website and returning it on the web.

It is vital if at all conceivable to see how the site was hacked with the goal that it can be appropriately cleaned. I've seen various websites that were over and again hacked by the same hacker until the best possible fixes were set up.


Getting your website hacked is unpleasant. Be that as it may, you can recoup from it. So stay quiet and bring in the right bolster group to get it settled and running once more. While we've recently skimmed the surface of the procedure expected to clean the site, having the right backing group set up can have a major effect.

Can we help ?

 Obviously! Our immediate website services can repair and restore your website after it has been hacked. Reach us today to learn more. http://www.csinfotech.org/

Monday 21 December 2015

E-commerce marketing trends

The stage has been set for some time now and e-business associations, today, keep on preparing in the computerized shopping knowledge. As innovation keeps on developing quickly, e-trade players are embracing more current procedures to encourage proficient web offering and purchasing. All the more as of late, with the presentation of glimmer deals and every day bargains from different organizations, e-trade has presented technnovation to the retail division. 

Nothing has surpassed the force of inventive e-business organizations, which have ended up being effective. What we are seeing today is a transformation of e-trade into a variety of online business that is versatile and adaptable. 

Customers are more associated than any time in recent memory and have more data and decisions readily available today. While on the web, they desert their inclinations, conduct designs and intrigues, which make a learning ground for e-trade organizations to examine conduct design and offer all the more fascinating and aggressive items. The ascent of such advanced exercises and coming about information is the empowering component for detailing e-trade procedures, in this manner influencing the plan of action and driving development for e-business players in the Indian market. 

This year is going to witness a speeding up in the movement towards inbound systems instead of outbound. The e-business industry and web shopping patterns in India are set to witness more noteworthy statures in the coming years inferable from the expanding web populace, as well as because of the changing elements of the supporting biological community. Some key patterns that will be at the front line will be ones that intensify marking and client development. 

Content marketing will pick up noticeable quality: The center will be on unique and useful substance instead of the bland kind. As Google and other web crawlers toss more weight around unique and extraordinary substance and rank them higher in indexed lists, organizations should return to their substance system. Clients are likewise beginning to request a more prominent level of subtle element while buying and, alongside awesome route and simplicity of paying, will favor marks that give them the learning of the item that they look to secure. 

SEO and social flagging will begin consolidating: Search motors like Google will proceed with their push to give the most pertinent substance to the buyer. This is inside of their enthusiasm and additionally it sways online promotion rates. For the advertiser, this will mean giving careful consideration to having extraordinary substance that is important and is shared by their buyers – a brand backing center that has not been truly tended to till now. With most brands attempting to move far from the markdown drove deals model to creating shopper unwaveringness, substance and social flagging will assume an essential part in drawing in more clients at a lower obtaining cost. 

Online networking marketing will enhance: For now, a larger part of e-trade brands use Facebook to drive a majority of their potential clients. With changes in how Facebook is going to treat newsfeed pushes, advertisers will need to begin putting additional time in different stages while keeping on putting cash in Facebook itself, to keep driving activity that they were seeing before the progressions. This 'pay for introduction' pattern is liable to see a higher appropriation by other online networking stages like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and so on., as they begin monetising their systems. For brands, this implies they won't have the capacity to rely on upon only one/restricted channel for movement and will need to differentiate their systems. 

Portable marketing will increment: As more individuals expend data on the go, versatile minutes or versatile marketing will get greater. Consistent coordination that will permit clients to tap on a commercial on the versatile and complete an exchange with no issues will introduce the following level of moment delight. We have likewise seen a portion of the bigger e-business players beginning authority channels on versatile visit stages, similar to Line and WeChat, to share advancements and content, and this is required to develop too. 

Remarketing promotions will develop: It appears like everybody has hopped on the remarketing fleeting trend and this space is going to see a considerably higher uptake this year. Visit an item on a site and it will tail you all over. This capacity of the item and the brand to keep itself directly before the client is exceptionally successful. With Facebook bringing its Atlas promoting stage into play, this is just going to wind up a great deal more powerful, as it would empower more precise cross-gadget publicizing and following open door for sponsors. Given Facebook's portable range and dynamic client base, this will likewise prompt an increment in versatile transformation.

About the Author :

Cs-infotech is one of the best cyber security and website development company in India. we also provide Network security, software development, Cyber security corporate training and SEO and SMO services. we are professional in E-commerce website development and its marketing. To know more about us visit : http://www.csinfotech.org/ 

Friday 11 December 2015

How to Rank Your Website within 1 months ???

Do you have a plan to grow your business in 2016? There are so many strategies and tactics being thrown around that it’s difficult to know where to focus for the best results to rank your website on google.We all know that content, SEO and social media are the powerful tools to rank up your site. Today i am going to tell you about strategies to rank your site within a month.And in this blog I’m going to show you how ?

1. Is it Important to create valuable content ?

We all know about blogging . No doubt that the Blog content increase business growth but not always . The right thing is to create content that will attract people or the content that rich to the right audience . Only posting on blogs will not derive any traffic fr you. Always remember about the audience you wanna target.

2. Back linking  : 
the next Important thing is to create backlinks . Now main problem is how to create valuable backlinks . Most of the best practices for SEO is misguided. Backlinks are always depends on the type of site you have. For example if you want to promote your logistic site then would you think blogging really works , what type of blogs you would create to promote your logistic company.
Confused ?Now i'll tell you about it . You must create a Wikipedia page for your company that describes best of your services . After that you should switch to do follow classified site and listing your site on famous business listing sites such as yelp, yellow pages . Its works for your far better than blogging . Always remember what type of audience you wants to attract.

3. Is forum Posting or blog posting really works : 
To be very honest i don't think so. Forum is meant for discussions not for promotion . If you try to advertise there then they will banned you. They will only allow you to post link on signature , but you really think any one interested to click on your signature. Try to understand the fact that people will always keen to find some interesting stuff .

What To do Now ?

Always think logical . First analyzed your competitors . You think why one should waste their time for analyzing the competitors , so you are wrong because its the most important thing that one should do.

Find out the backlinks of your competitors , yeah what exactly i said . You can easily find out the backlinks by using SEO tools. Then finalized a list and start your work . You are on the right track now.

Use power of social media : 

yes its right the most powerful platform to promote your business is social media . Never do anything blindly. Be genuine to people . Elaborate your services as much as you can . Try to post attractive content but the most important thing is images . The power of visual effects . Create attractive images and videos and share it with aw-sum content .You will be on top soon . 

If you want more great tips or having problems then share your thought on comments . visit our site because never do anything blindly : http://www.csinfotech.org/