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Monday 31 August 2015

How to Disable Windows 10, Updates – 5 Different Methods

Windows ten forced updates square measure one in every of the foremost arguable options of the OS and also the company has been facing abundant flak over this issue. Today, I’m aiming to tell you five totally different ways to disable Windows ten forced updates.

Each I tend took us square measure given with the new numbers that claim that additional and additional user’s square measure hopping upon the Windows ten train. This was attainable due the straightforward and sleek upgrade method by Microsoft. If you continue to haven’t got Windows ten upgrade, you'll be able to ask out easy and useful Windows ten upgrade tutorial.
However, amid all the new options and sleek upgrade method, some controversies were absolute to be available in the limelight. Actually, it’s a protracted list- ranging from forced updates to shadowy privacy policies. Redmond fiddled with the concept of Windows ten forced updates to create the OS additional stable and economical. Windows ten professional users have the choice to delay Windows ten forced updates, however if you're victimization Windows ten Home, you can’t do abundant regarding it.
However, nice in intentions, the updates don’t estimate this fashion and have caused issues to the users.
So, the question remains: a way to disable Windows ten forced updates?
Today, we tend to square measure aiming to tell you the solution to the current question by four totally different and helpful ways. These ways to disable Windows ten forced updates provide you with additional management as a user:
Method 1: Mark your LAN association as metered to disable Windows ten forced updates
I’ve already written regarding this methodology very well during a previous article. Visit this link to disable Windows ten forced updates by marking your LAN association as metered.
Method 2: Stop the Windows ten update service from the startup
In reality, Windows ten updates square measure simply another Windows method. So, you'll be able to stop this method victimization these easy steps:
1. To create changes in startup to disable Windows ten forced updates, open the Run command by pressing Windows + R. Now, sort services.msc and hit Enter.
2. Now, within the list of processes, set the Windows Update service and open it by clicking.
3. To disable it, below the final tab, realize Startup sort and alter it to disable.
Method 3: Windows ten Home patch enables you to shut down automatic app updates
This option works just for the app updates. If you would like to continue receiving Windows ten security updates and bug fixes, you'll be able to use this methodology. In the accumulative Update five, Microsoft has enabled the choice to show off the automated app updates. If you don’t have this patch, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and confirm to receive the most recent Windows patches.
After this, open the shop app and click on the Profile button within the toolbar. Here you'll be able to toggle the switch of automatic updates to disable Windows ten forced updates.
Method 4: Disable forced Windows ten updates by creating changes within the cluster Policy Editor
The option to disable Windows ten forced updates is invisible by default. However, you'll be able to tweak few settings within the cluster Policy Editor to re-enable the pleasant choice to stop your pc from downloading the updates from Microsoft.
(Windows ten Home users can’t use this feature because it is merely for Preview builds of Windows ten Education, professional and Enterprise editions.)
Follow these easy steps to create the hidden settings visible and disable Windows ten forced updates:
1. Within the Windows ten desktop search, sort cluster Policy Editor and open the tool.
2. Realize the pc Configuration and click on the executive Templates folder to expand it.
3. Currently choose All Settings then realize the set up Automatic Updates entry within the new window.
 Method 5: Disable specific Windows ten updates. After facing abundant Microsoft flak over the forced updates, Redmond has additionally free a tool that permits the users to disable or hide a particular Windows ten update. You only ought to transfer this tool from Microsoft’s web site and install the tool. Follow the directions and disable the problematic updates as a neighborhood of the disable Windows ten forced updates.

The shocking news World’s biggest IOS Malware Hack, 225k Apple Account Passwords Stolen

Researchers have found that hackers have purloined over 250,000 valid Apple accounts exploitation associate degree IOS malware named Key Raider. However, this threat solely affects the jail broken devices.

Here could be a news which may worry you if you lately jail broke your phone. The analysis team at town networks and Weighted has draped a brand new IOS malware named Key Raider that has helped the hackers to steal 250,000 valid Apple accounts. This IOS malware heist is that the largest of its kind.
Recently, the researchers have known concerning ninety two samples of a brand new IOS malware family within the wild. They analyzed the suspicious Apple IOS tweaks reported by users and located a various range of Apple accounts and passwords hold on a server. The Key Raider iOS malware targets the jail broken IOS phones and is unfold exploitation the wide in style Cydia app repositories. This app is employed to transfer apps and manage the jail broken I Phones.
According to the town networks, this threat has compact users from eighteen countries that embrace the likes of France, Russia, USA, China, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, Israel, Italy, Spain, Singapore, and Asian country. This IOS malware hooks system method through Mobile Substrate and takes away account usernames, passwords and GUID by paying attention to iTunes traffic on the device.
Palo Alto writes:
Key Raider steals Apple push notification service certificates and personal keys, steals and shares App Store getting data, and disables native and remote unlocking functionalities on I Phones and I Pads.
The malware was reported  as a result of weirdly behaving App Store as when finding multiple unauthorized App Store purchases, a student from China noticed  that one tweak was uploading information to associate degree unknown information. Actually, the Key Raider IOS malware has purloined this information and uploaded the info to its command and management (C2) server.  This server itself contains flaws and exposes the data.
Key Raider IOS malware is accustomed get apps associate degrees remotely lock an IOS device and elicit ransom.
It ought to be noted that this IOS malware solely works in jail broken devices and most of the users appear to be situated in China. Thus, jail breaking your IOS device may be an excellent thanks to bring new apps and icons, however it’s equally dangerous.

This scene views that Balloon Could Take You to The Edge of Space

The World read Enterprises; Iraqi National Congress looks to possess brought a solution to your desires. The Arizona-based company is giving you the curvature of the planet at the background of the blackness of area in an exceedingly five hour joy ride in its proprietary high-altitude balloons. All this at the peak of one hundred, feet. Keep calm.

I want I were Associate in Nursing traveler thus I might float in area and see this lovely blue sphere within the utter darkness, because the individuals from ISS describe it. I accustomed dream that and if you too, then the want has come back true. You don’t have to be compelled to be Associate in nursing traveler or bear a rigorous coaching to adapt your body for this specific near-space journey.
World View Enterprises, Iraqi National Congress could be a new player within the close to area The World read Enterprises; Iraqi National Congress looks to possess brought a solution to your desires. The Arizona-based company is giving you the curvature of the planet at the background of the blackness of area in an exceedingly five hour joy ride in its proprietary high-altitude balloons. All this at the peak of one hundred, feet. Keep calm.

I want I were Associate in Nursing traveler thus I might float in area and see this lovely blue sphere within the utter darkness, because the individuals from ISS describe it. I accustomed dream that and if you too, then the want has come back true. You don’t have to be compelled to be Associate in nursing traveler or bear a rigorous coaching to adapt your body for this specific near-space journey.

World View Enterprises, Iraqi National Congress could be a new player within the close to area touristry business and plans to require individuals within the realm of area by the tip of 2016. the corporate can use its proprietary high-altitude balloons to float personal passengers up to twenty miles or thirty two kilometers on top of the planet.
The Arizona-based company offers the curvature of the planet at the background of the blackness of area in an exceedingly 5-hour joy ride. Within the space-rated capsule, you may get pleasure from once in an exceedingly period read together with your friends and family. There would be six voyagers (passengers) and 2 crew members within the capsule.
Once at the sting of the planet, you may sail on the frontiers of area and gaze upon the unfathomable picturesque for hours.
The World View’s close to area tour appearance a lot of exciting than different the opposite orbital and rocket-based choices owing to the vast time it provides you to remain and luxuriate in the near-space region whereas cost accounting you abundant but other planned area programs. The planet read offers the most cost effective area ride for $75,000. business and plans to require individuals within the realm of area by the tip of 2016. the corporate can use its proprietary high-altitude balloons to float personal passengers up to twenty miles or thirty two kilometers on top of the planet.

Friday 21 August 2015

How to Enable God Mode in Windows and Its Complete Features

Windows God Mode is Associate in Nursing recent trick, however I believed it’d be nice to share it with our readers United Nations agency don’t understand it as Windows ten is discharged. Also, I’ll be telling concerning all God Mode folders here, not simply one. Windows God Mode, because the name suggests, provides you a route and grander access to numerous electrical device settings. It’s additionally called the Windows Master electrical device route (All Tasks) or All Tasks folder by completely different folks.
By creating this God Mode folder, you’ll get access to all or any the settings of the electrical device in your OS inside one folder. This hack was 1st unconcealed in 2007 and it works in operation systems more than Windows panorama i.e. Window 7, Window 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows ten.
As you’ll acumen to try and do it, you’ll bump into the step of renaming the folder and victimization the phrase “God Mode”. Actually, God Mode name has nothing to try and do with this trick. Use your name rather than God Mode and it’ll work simply fine as a result of God Mode is simply a reputation given to the present trick because it got fashionable.
Note: you’ll be able to alter God Mode victimization this trick in Windows panorama Window seven, Window 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows ten.
How to alter all God Mode folders?
There are lots a lot of to the present God Mode trick. There square measure lots a lot of God Mode folders looking forward to you to utilize them. Copy and paste the script written below in a very new pad file. Rename this file as “godmodes.bat” and paste at the situation wherever you wish these God Mode folders to be. Currently click on the renamed file “godmodes.bat” and there you’ve got an inventory of God Mode folders, all with completely different uses.

Thursday 20 August 2015

How to Your GPS Location and Calls Can be Spied Using Network Vulnerability

Yes, you detected it right. It is the dirty truth that’s that includes what's being known as the most important privacy breach ever.

Billions of mobile phone users square measure in danger of a vulnerability within the SS7 inter-carrier network that permits hackers and spies agencies to trace locations and intercept all voice calls from anyplace within the world.
This is one thing we have a tendency to already grasp from the last year's Snowden leaks that explained the National Security Agency (NSA) capabilities to collect nearly five Billion records on a daily basis on mobile locations round the world.
But, it's worse than we've got thought.
The celebrated Australian TV programme "60 Minutes" incontestable that it's attainable for anyone to trace mobile phone location and intercept calls and text messages.
This time, undue to a security vulnerability within the phone's package, however as a result of a heavy flaw within the terribly system our cell phones use to speak with one another round the world – the world sign system, called SS7.
What went wrong?
Hackers profit of the SS7 that is sadly vulnerable.
SS7 or sign System range seven may be a protocol suite employed by most telecommunications operators throughout the globe to speak with each other once leading calls, texts and net information.
SS7 permits mobile phone carriers to gather location data from mobile phone towers and share it with one another. This implies a bus carrier can realize its client, notwithstanding if he or she travels to the other country.
Location trailing, Calls Listening, Messages intercepting mistreatment SS7
Successful exploitation of the bug in SS7 might let attackers hear all of your voice calls yet as track your precise GPS location.
This technique is often called a "Man-in-the-Middle" (MitM) attack, wherever hackers intercept on-line traffic and so forward it back to the recipient.
Besides trailing mobile phone user and intercepting their calls, this essential flaw conjointly allowed hackers to intercept SMS verification used with banking applications.
Really Scary!
Showing during a special report, hr shows however German hackers intercepted and recorded a mobile spoken language of an officer, yet as half-tracked his movements from FRG, that is placed thousands of miles away.
Since the SS7 network is employed worldwide, the vulnerability in it puts Billions of mobile phone users in peril.
Unfortunately, there's not a fix nonetheless, that the flaws in SS7 protocol can still be gift albeit your phone carriers upgrade to a lot of advanced technology.